What level should I take?

Curious what level class you should be in? You can find our progression of levels here! The listed level will give you a general idea of the class level. Be sure to read the class descriptions for the prerequisites you should meet for each class.

Please note: We strive to create classes accessible for all - if you are curious if we can make certain accessibility accommodations, please reach out!

  • These classes are perfect for the student who is brand new!

  • Requires some experience or previous attendance to an intro class

  • A step up from level 1 - check class description for pre-reqs

  • Requires confidence in pole climbs, sits, crunches, and level 1 spins. This is where students begin inverting and learning leg hooks

  • For the student who is ready to level up! If you're confident in your inverts and leg hooks and ready to learn moves that require more upper body strength and flexibility, or more complex contact points.

  • A level 1 + class - may require some experience, but options will be given for multiple levels! Check class description for specific pre-reqs

  • A level 2 + class - requires comfort with inverting, but options will be given for multiple levels! Check class description for specific pre-reqs

First Timers

  • Intro to Pole


    For the brand new pole student! (Also a good class to come back to if you want to slow it down and get a refresher in the basics). Learn how to pivot, turn, spin, wave, and slide your way around the pole. Start building the strength basics for your pole climbs, stands, and sits.

    Attire: Wear clothes you are comfortable moving in! Sleeveless top or sports bra recommended; either shorts or long pants are fine. Avoid wearing any hand lotion the day of class. Come prepared to have fun!

    Pre-Reqs: None! All are welcome

Pole Technique Classes

  • Pole Level 1

    LEVEL 1

    Continue building strength and start to learn new pole vocabulary. You'll learn new and longer combinations of spins, begin to make more upright shapes on the pole, and learn how to climb!

    Attire: Be sure to wear shorts that expose your thighs, and a sports bra or sleeveless shirt (you can bring layers to wear). Avoid wearing any moisturizer the day of class.

    Pre reqs: comfortable with intro to pole material including dip turns and back hook spins. Have attempted pole crunches.

  • Pole Shapes Level 1.5

    LEVEL 1.5

    Continue building strength and start to learn new pole vocabulary. You'll learn to create new shapes on the pole and build more comfort with introductory variations of leg hooks.

    Pre reqs: comfortable with intro to pole material including dip turn, back hook spin, fireman spin, and pole crunches. some experience with pole climbs and pole sits (have taken at least 3 Level 1 Pole classes)

  • Pole Level 2

    LEVEL 2

    Continue building strength and start getting upside down on the pole. You'll learn new and longer combinations of spins, learn how to invert, leg hook, and solidify your forearm climbs

    Pre reqs: comfortable with the technique of the basic pole climb, strong pole crunches.

  • Pole Level 3

    LEVEL 3

    Expand your vocabulary of inverted and upright shapes on the static pole. Solidify your leg hooks, inversions, and continue building strength and flexibility for more complex pole moves.

    Pre Reqs: able to forearm climb, chopper, basic invert. some comfort with inside and outside leg hook

  • Pole Conditioning - Open Level (1+)


    Strength building with pole vocabulary! An excellent way to hone the specific strength skills you need, no matter what your level. Come to this class and you'll level-up faster than you think!

    Pre-reqs: able to pole climb, understanding of basic pole terminology: strong hold, pole crunch, etc. Level 1 and up

  • Pole Fluidity - Mixed Level (2+)


    Create more seamless flow in your pole work. This class isn't just focused on moves, but the moments between the moves. In each class you'll work on stringing sequences together, from the floor onto the pole, in a fluid and effortless manner. In this class you get to explore the details, transition, timing, focus, artistry, movement quality, authenticity, and expression. 

    Pre reqs: Level 2 + class, comfort with basic pole spins, climbing, and upright shapes. some experience working towards inverting and leg hooks

  • Static Combinations - Mixed Level (2+)


    Static Combinations is a class for dancers in levels 2 and up to explore movement in flow on static pole. Learn a combination of movements on the ground and up the pole with options for different levels. Students should have some familiarity with inversions. While shapes and movements will be broken down, the focus of this class is to use our technique to move seamlessly from one shape or spin to another.  

    Pre reqs: Level 2 + class, comfort with basic pole spins, climbing, and upright shapes. some experience working on inverting and leg hooks

  • Pole Play - Open Training


    Open training time! Only one student per pole. One of the most valuable ways to progress your pole technique. Come practice what you learned in class, jam with others, conditiong, get creative!

    Pre-reqs: must have taken a pole class before, at Full Circle or elsewhere.

Spin Pole Classes

  • Spin Pole Level 1

    LEVEL 1

    The perfect class to start your journey on spin pole! When the pole rotates on its own, there's a whole new world of momentum and vocabulary to work with. Class will offer the basics of working with spin pole as well as upright shapes and transitions.

    Pre-reqs: have graduated from Intro to Pole and taken at least 3-4 Level 1 classes. Having some climbing experience and being comfortable with a basic pole sit will help you get the most out of this class.

  • Spin Pole - Open Level (1+)


    An Open-level class on the spin pole! When the pole rotates on its own, there's a whole new world of momentum and vocabulary to work with. Class will offer the basics of working with spin pole as well as upright and inverted shapes to play with based on your level.

    Pre-reqs: has taken spin pole level 1 OR able to pole climb and sit comfortably, level 1 and up

  • Spin Pole - Mixed Level (2+)


    A mixed-level class on the spin pole! When the pole rotates on its own, there's a whole new world of momentum and vocabulary to work with. Class will offer conditioning on spin and concepts of working with spin pole as well as upright and inverted shapes to play with based on your level.

    Pre-reqs: a Level 2 + class. Must be comfortable climbing and doing basic shapes on spin, with some practice working on inverts and leg hooks on static.

  • Spin Pole Fluidity - Mixed Level (2+)


    Create more seamless connection in your spin pole work. Improve the fluidity of your spin pole work with this class. This class emphasizes the importance of timing, control, and the graceful transitions between pole moves and floor. In every class you'll learn a dance sequence that serves as the base for exploring details and artistic expression. Learn how to sustain the momentum of your spins as you seamlessly transition from one move to the next.

    Pre reqs: Level 2 + class, comfort with basic pole spins, climbing, and upright shapes, some experience working towards inverting and leg hooks

Flow & Heels Classes

  • Pole Low Flow - Open Level (1+)


    An Open level class for grounded pole skills. Pants-on Dance-on! In this class you'll learn fun floor based sequences and movement games with the pole that don't require any climbing!

    Attire: you can wear your regular pole wear but shorts aren’t required, and we also recommend having layers: pants, sweats, socks, etc. as dancing low to the ground can mean unwanted friction from the floor. Kneepads may be helpful.

    Pre-Reqs: comfortable with intro to pole material including dip turns, back hook spins, fireman spins

  • Freestyle Flow - Open Level


    In this prompt-based class, we will bring our authentic selves into the studio, letting go of our expectations of what pole dancing "should" look and feel like. Each week will bring a chance to explore a new theme (levels, tension, tempo, repetition, expansion, etc.) via a combination of individual, partner, and group exercises.

    Attire: Anything you are comfortable moving in! Layers recommended.

    Pre-Reqs: Fully open level. Some pole vocabulary is helpful, but no specific skills are required to participate

  • Heels Flow - Fundamentals (1+)


    Practice the art of pole dancing in heels! This class will work on your technique, balance, movement quality, and lines in heels. It is appropriate for those brand new to heels while also offering more advanced dancers a place to hone their craft. Learn techniques and a short flow to improve your confidence in heels!

    Attire: Dancers must bring their own pole appropriate heels to class. We recommend checking out the Pleasers brand. Kneepads are sometimes helpful.

    Pre reqs: basic pole spins, comfortable with intro to pole material

  • Heels Flow - Open Level (1+)


    Practice the art of pole dancing in heels! In this open level pole class you'll glide, strut, clack, and spin your way around the pole. Learn techniques and a short flow to improve your confidence and competence in heels technique. Students must bring their own heels to class. Some experience recommended.

    Attire: Dancers must bring their own pole appropriate heels to class. We recommend checking out the Pleasers brand. Kneepads are sometimes helpful.

    Pre reqs: basic pole spins, comfortable with intro to pole material


  • Flexibility Training


    This class is designed to increase and maintain flexibility for beginners and fitness practitioners alike. Here we can back bend our way into beautiful poses or make a stop in Splitsville! With the use of static and dynamic stretches we will gradually increase the ranges of motion within our bodies.

    Attire: we recommend wearing layers. Warm muscles offer safer stretching and layers allow you to accommodate for the temperature of the classroom and your own comfort.

    Pre-Reqs: None! Open to all levels and abilities

  • Floorwork - Liquid Motion


    Learn the Liquid Motion style of floorwork taught by one of our Liquid licensed instructors. "Liquid Motion® is a method and style of dance and movement education that is brought to the general public through safe, fun, and educational classes". Tuck, tilt, and arch your way into a new relationship with the ground you walk on.

    Attire: layers can be helpful! Socks, kneepads, pants or sweats are not necessarily required but may be helpful for sliding on the floor in certain techniques.

    Pre-Reqs: None! Open to all levels and abilities